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See Super Heroes in the Making - VIP Tour of Southeastern Guide Dogs

Founded in 1982, Southeastern Guide Dogs employ the latest in canine development and behavior research to create and nurture partnerships between visually impaired individuals and extraordinary guide dogs. 

They serve more than 400 graduates across the U.S. and continue to place more than 100 dogs each year into careers benefitting people wth visual impairments and veterans. All of their services are free of charge and they receive no government funding.

Enjoy a VIP Tour of the Puppy Kennel and new Veterinarian Clinic OR the new Residential Center for Students and Dogs in Training and offices for up to 4 people.

**Due to ongoing construction on the campus, this offer must be redeemed in Dec 2016.

Donated by :
  • Name : Frank and bunny Willett

Won By Buy Now: 1 winner
Value: Priceless
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