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SOLD Libby Moore

Have coffee with Libby Moore, former chief of staff to Oprah Winfrey, and discuss and discover what it's like to organize and advise one of the world's most powerful women. (Libby donated this a second time here, because the first "Coffee with Libby" was purchased quickly and she wanted to offer again).

If you ever feel like you need a big dose of inspiration... this is a two hour conversation that you will leave feeling connected and inspired!

Libby worked by Oprah's side for over a decade, from 2000-2011, as her Chief of Staff. Not only did Libby learn from one of the most notable thought leaders of our time, she also learned through many of the people who passed through Oprah's orbit at that time. From Rolling Stone magazine to The Oprah Winfrey Show, Libby has gathered invaluable knowledge from the inside track to some of the best minds in business today.

Libby is an inspirational coach, speaker, advisor and adventurer, who loves helping people connect to their highest potential. She's ready to spend time with you or someone you think would love this as a gift!

This is an incredible opportunity to learn from one of the most unique and inspiring women in ANY industry.

*Note: Coffee with... is at the time, place and convenience of our coffee host above and must be redeemed within 6 months of auction close.

Won By Buy Now: 1 winner
Value: Priceless
Item Sold

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