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5 Bags of Cavalor Perfomix Feed from First Flight Feeds, LLC

First Flight Feeds, LLC in Culpeper, VA would like to donate the following:
Five Bags of Cavalor Performix Horse Feed 
Terms and Conditions:
Feed may be picked up at First Flight Feeds, LLC in Culpeper, VA.  

Feed may be taken all at once   Please contact First Flight Feeds in advance to assure that your feed will be available when you arrive.

No cash or exchange value.  Certificate expires on 12-31-19.

Donated by :
  • Company Name : First Flight Feeds, LLC.
    Name : Danielle Mindock

Highest Bid : $55.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: 911129
Catalog #: 198
Value: $155.00
Item Sold

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