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A Taste of Italy

Basket includes: 1- bottle Gyser Peak Cabernet Sauvignon, 1- bottle Inama Vin Soave, 1- bottle Straccali Chianti, 1- bottle Santa Cristina Toscana, 2- wine glasses, corkscrew, Bodum coffee press, Lavazza espresso, 2- Espresso cups w/saucers, 4- pasta sauces, Italian gourmet meat pack, Extra Virgin olive oil, Balsamic vinegar, Porcini mushrooms, Almond biscotti, Bread sticks, Anise pizzelle's, Capers, Add Another Place Setting cookbook, Themed towels for easy clean-up, Italian chocolate, Colander, Pasta spoon, Garden fresh garlic, Garlic press, 3- Packages of Garofalo pasta, 1- Penne 2- Spaghetti, Gnocchi, Zara spiral pasta, Sundried tomato paste, Pesto, Parmesan cheese wedge, Asiago cheese wedge, Cheese grater and Prosciutto all stored in a wine storage crate. Pick-up only 

Donated by :
  • Company Name : Suite 310

Highest Bid : $280.00 (13 bids)
Highest Bid By: OnlyOneWinner
Catalog #: RMP124
Value: $300.00
Item Sold

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