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"AKA 2016 Ain't Killin' Anyone", for Trayvon Martin - fine art by Daphne Arthur

As we were planning this auction, news broke that the murderer of Trayvon Martin was auctioning off the gun used to kill the unarmed 17 year-old Trayvon. We were appalled and disgusted with the thought of this murder weapon being recognized in such a way. Then, our disgust turned toward creativity. Daphne Arthur and I decided a gun that hasn't been used to kill an innocent kid should be auctioned off to raise money for services that are directly applied to teens. To the very demographic that Trayvon Martin got singled out for, before his murder.

So here is that gun: "AKA 2016 - Ain't Killin' Anyone" designed and created specifically as a response to a truly shallow and morbid act. Daphne went into the studio and worked it out: 38"x21", Oil on canvas.

Daphne Arthur blurs the line between abstraction and figuration. Layers of brush work create tapestries from cultural symbols and iconographies reflecting the anxieties and zeitgeist of the 21st century. In doing so, a piece of art that actually means something and reminds us a young life worth living, is created. More about Daphne here http://daphnearthur.com/home.html

Highest Bid : $125.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: Blacknow
Catalog #: 168
Value: Priceless
Item Sold

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