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Bookmark of Life - fine art by Cheryl Brock

Bookmark of Life by Cheryl Brock is a vertical, 5-color hand-pulled lithograph with hand-drawn details, printed on Crestwood Archival 90 lb rag stock at the Ettinger Atelier on a Viorin Press. Viorin printing presses were used by Toulous Lautrec & were imported from Paris to NYC after WWII. Each piece is signed, numbered & has the Ettinger indetia. Edition of 185, size is 20″ x 5 7/8″ W.

My drawings tend to be small. My goal is to make them intimate and, when possible, implosive. I’m ‘drawn’ to dense artwork, layered with symphonic themes and expositions, often quoting other artists’ work in homage. I try to incorporate those elements, keep everything in scale, balanced, and flowing. Sometimes the piece is put aside to review later when my eyes are fresh. Inevitably, the richer the piece, the longer it takes to complete.

More about Cheryl's work and this piece here: http://cherylbrockstudio.com/product/bookmark-of-life/

Donated by :
  • Name : Cheryl Brock

Highest Bid : N/A (0 bids)
Highest Bid By: N/A
Catalog #: 24
Value: $225.00
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