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Fourth of The Lie, 2020 by Mika Martinez

The Constitution states that all men are created equal, yet history reminds us that this ideal does not apply to everyone. In July the US celebrates its independence from Europe and the beginning of the nation. What is often left out of this celebration is that the United States of America was built on stolen land, by stolen people. In 2020 the collective action to protest police brutality and uplift Black lives brought this lie to light in ways that many had never connected. In solidarity with Black Lives Indigenous leaders and activists organized a march from PSU to Pioneer (colonizer) Square on July 4th. Dubbed, The 4th of the Lie, this protest brought together Indigenous communities from all over for community, solidarity, and ceremony. As we marched through the streets of downtown Portland the message was clear, our struggles are one. The violence experienced by each of these communities can be traced back to the origin of this ‘great’ country and this moment was about refusing to perpetuate a lie.

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