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Hand-Made Basket # 2 by Doug Lockwood

Unique, Round Basket

This is a truly unique and appealing basket that will please the discerning basket afficionado. The handle is bitter sweet vine that wound around itself, the basket is reed with natural walnut stain. It has a cat face bottom and two rows of quills that punctuate the sides. It is 11" in diameter. The body of the basket is 7" tall, and the height tot he top of the handle is 12". Own or give a truly special handmade item. 

Doug explains: "I have been weaving baskets for over thirty years. I actually took a basket weaving class in adult Ed. in Searsport where I was the elementary principal. About the third basket I started weaving, I took off like a rocket. I began creating my own designs and continue in that vein. I have sold baskets at mostly school craft fairs. Recently Eventide purchased about a dozen to sell mostly as gift baskets where you end up with a basket worth saving! I’m the only basket weaver I know who makes an eight pointed star basket."

Highest Bid : $50.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: 5FFDE4
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