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Anne Seltzer - Acrylic on Canvas - "The Saltlick - Grayscale"

Anne Seltzer - Acrylic on Canvas - "Salt Lick - Gray Scale" 24" x 36"

Anne Seltzer is an artist currently working at Art Work Studio in Claremont and Joue Studio in Cambria. She received her BA in Literature at Vanderbilt University, her Graduate Degree of Education at UCSC, and her MFA at Claremont Graduate University. Her paintings are in private collections and may be seen at the Sam Maloof Foundation in Alta Loma. She has published two books of her paintings and accompanying stories : Guess Who’s Comingg to Supper: Imaginary Patron Saints, (Lulu Press 2008), and The Rock People: An Alternative Community, (Lulu Press, 2011)


"A Fine Feast" - Paintings by Anne Seltzer – Friday, Nov 10th - Sunday, Nov 12th 2023 

Claremont, CA -10/9/2023 - Claremont Heritage is delighted to announce the upcoming art exhibit, "A Fine Feast," featuring the captivating works of Anne Seltzer. The exhibit is scheduled to run from Friday, November 10th through Sunday, November 12th, 2023, at Ginger Elliott Exhibit Center, the exhibit will be open daily from 10 am. – 4 pm. 

Anne Seltzer, a distinguished artist known for her exceptional talent in capturing the essence of everyday life, brings forth a remarkable collection of paintings that showcase her unique perspective on the world around her. "A Fine Feast" is a journey from the tangible to the abstract, where Anne's artwork transforms ordinary subjects into vibrant and captivating masterpieces. 

"I paint what is around me: the prolific pomegranate tree outside my studio, the big black noisy birds in the park across the street, the table in my kitchen," says Anne Seltzer. "Often I begin with a simple subject and paint, paint, paint... until at some point, colors and shapes will occur to me as the Whole Feast, and what was tame breaks out." 

In this exhibition, Anne's artistry takes center stage as she explores the evolution of representational still life into abstract interpretations. The pomegranates in her bowls burst with life, their colors changing and dominating the canvas. "The 'Feast' is not only the fruit and the big black birds who hunger but is the enjoyment of paint, process, and picture. “Bon appétit!" she adds. 

Anne Seltzer's impressive academic background includes a BA in Literature from Vanderbilt University, a Graduate Degree in Education from UC Santa Cruz, and an MFA from Claremont Graduate University. Her dedication to her craft has earned her recognition in exhibitions across Central and Southern California, with her paintings finding their home in prestigious institutions like the Sam Maloof Foundation and collections throughout the United States. 

Claremont Heritage invites art enthusiasts, collectors, and the local community to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Anne Seltzer's "A Fine Feast." This exhibition promises to be a visual delight, a celebration of artistry, and an opportunity to connect with the talent that thrives in our own community. 

Don't miss your chance to experience the magic of Anne Seltzer's paintings. Join us at the Ginger Elliott Exhibition Center from November 10th to November 22nd, 2023, and indulge in "A Fine Feast" of art. 

Highest Bid : $375.00 (2 bids)
Highest Bid By: D8C6B4
Catalog #: A-226
Value: N/A
Item Sold

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