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Calmbirth Holistic Childbirth Education Program for two

Join Calmbirth Education Kirsty Crimmins for this 2 day Calmbirth program held at the edge of the Grampians in Dunkeld Calmbirth® – Is a holistic childbirth education program that prepares you and your partner emotionally, mentally and physically for birth. Calmbirth® is Australia’s most highly acclaimed, recommended, trusted and scientifically proven childbirth education program. The course runs over two full days and uses the mind-body connection, the connection and power between a woman’s emotional state and the way her body responds in birth, to assist couples to replace the fear, stress and anxiety about giving birth with the knowledge and skills to birth their baby calmly, fearlessly, safely and confidently. The course covers the mind-body connection, stages of labour and how to work with each stage, physiology of labour, birth hormones, birth environment, mindset, creating ease and comfort in pregnancy & birth, active birth, induction of labour, caesarean birth, assisted birth, how to work with your body, pain relief options, how to communicate with caregivers and make informed decisions and the Calmbirth tools – breath techniques, acupressure, massage and visualisation. We also talk about the first few days and months of having a newborn and conscious parenting.

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Highest Bid : AUD140.00 (3 bids)
Highest Bid By: E105D1
Value: AUD550.00
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