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Serenity in the sunset

Serenity in the Sunset was captured by Chinese award-winning artist, Chau Hang.

Inspiration: The beautiful sunset at Constance Prince Maurice in Mauritius.

Media: Water Colour
Support: Paper
Size: 535 x 819cm

"The sun hides behind fluffy clouds and the blue sky elegantly transformed into a melody of pink and yellow. The subtle tone gently blends the leaves of the towering palm trees..."

We believe in giving back, the auction proceeds will go to the local NGO, 'Enn Rev Enn Sourir'.
Be part of a good cause and place your bid for a chance to own this artwork as well as WIN four nights at Constance Prince Maurice!

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Donated by :
  • Name : Chau Hang

Highest Bid : EUR2,700.00 (3 bids)
Highest Bid By: E414CD
Value: Priceless
Item Sold

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