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Train to Become a Shark Feeder at Stuart Cove's Dive Bahamas

Move beyond the passive observational shark dive to the middle of the action when you train to become a shark feeder yourself! Stuart Cove's Shark Feeder program takes you on a private, behind-the-scenes adventure that will allow you to participate in our normal Shark Adventure dives and then progress on and learn how to be the feeder!
Your first day starts early in the morning when you are greeted by your "Shark Buddy" upon arrival at the dive shop. Your "Shark Buddy" is an experienced shark feeder at Stuart Cove’s and a scuba instructor. For the next two days - you will live in your buddies shoes as a shark feeder.
The morning begins with a behind the scenes tour of Stuart Cove’s facility. Then it's off to the classroom where you will take the Shark Awareness Specialty Course. This course will give you the basic knowledge you should know about sharks including how to identify certain species, how to read behaviors such as aggressive and polite feeding, and basic anatomy. The morning course finishes with a detailed briefing of the Stuart Cove Shark Adventure™ dives. During this briefing you will be given numerous observation assignments for the afternoon dive.
Once the class is completed it's off to the dive boat where you will participate (as a guest) in the Shark Adventure™ dives. On this trip you will be performing your observation assignments. These two dives also complete your Shark Awareness specialty course. During the two dives you will observe both natural and feeding behaviors of the Caribbean Reef sharks. You will be suited up in chainmail positioned next to your "Shark Buddy". Your "Shark Buddy" will now show you his/her point of view. Near the end of the feed dive, your "Shark Buddy" will turn the spear and bait box over to you, for the last few pieces of bait.
Day two begins with you and your "Shark Buddy" who will review the previous days dive and you will be given further instructions on basic feeding techniques. Your adventure continues when you board your private boat for your personal shark feeding dives. Accompanying you will be your "Shark Buddy", a crew person for the boat, and staff from Fin Photo. A combination of video and still pictures will be taken during your 2-tank dive. On your first dive you will be feeding using your newly learned techniques and the second dive is you and the sharks, having the adventure of a lifetime!

Additional Lot Details:

  • This experience expires on December 31, 2018
  • Valid for two people
  • Participants must be at least 18
  • Approximate duration: three - four days
  • Shark Feeding is advanced diving and requires divers to have strong SCUBA skills
  • You must be an experienced, certified diver who is very comfortable in the water and confident in your skills
  • You should also be physically fit and in good health
  • Each person will receive the Distinctive Shark Specialty certification, through PADI
  • Additional Required Equipment: Full Body Suit (ie: wetsuit or skin with long legs & long sleeves). This is not included
  • Meals not included
  • You will receive a photo album documenting your shark experiences, with all images on a CD
  • 2-DVD's including a private video of your actual Shark Feeding experience and a group video of your Shark Adventure™ dive
  • Use of Neptunic Stainless Steel Chainmail Suit with helmet
  • Access to operate behind the scenes with your new "Shark Buddy"
  • includes use of tanks, weights, weightbelts
  • A VIP adventure you will never forget and can brag about to your dive buddies for a lifetime
  • Does not include accommodation

Fine Print:

  • Airfare not included
  • To be scheduled at mutually agreed upon date, based on donor availability, but before the expiration date of trip
  • Blackout dates may apply
  • Winner must contact a Sea Save Foundation representative within thirty days of auction closure
  • Contact with the donor must be made within 90 days of auction closure
  • Sea Save Foundation strongly suggests dive safety insurance
  • Save Foundation strongly suggests travel insurance
  • Refunds will not be made for any reason
  • Experience cannot be transferred, resold or re-auctioned
  • We expect the winning bidder and their guests to conduct themselves appropriately when attending this experience. Polite manners and respect for the generous donor and adherence to any rules or parameters are a must.


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Highest Bid : $2,950.00 (3 bids)
Highest Bid By: theklute
Catalog #: 17110
Value: $5,490.00
Item Sold

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