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Meet Dr. Mikki - Shark Expert and Executive Director of Ocean First Institute

Being auctioned is a meet and greet with local shark expert and our very own Executive Director, Dr. Mikki McComb-Kobza! This is a unique opportunity to meet one-on-one with one of the top shark biologists in the world and “talk shark”!

Mikki is passionate about sharing her love of the ocean. Mikki is one of the top shark experts in the world. Her work focuses on the sensory biology and ecological physiology of sharks, skates and rays. Mikki is a tireless advocate for sharks and shark habitat. She seeks to to highlight their global population decline and to frame new directions for their conservation.

Mikki speaks, teaches and conducts research around the world including in South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Her outreach efforts have been covered by the BBC, National Geographic, Discovery Channel's Shark Week, and CBC National Radio Canada.

Mikki strives to bridge the gap between research and public engagement. She believes that when people are aware, they care and when they care, they act. Her current position as Executive Director of Ocean First Institute allows her to promote research, conservation, and sustainability. The Institute also supports expeditions and a variety of education initiatives that reach students of all ages.

Mikki holds a Ph.D. in Integrative Biology from Florida Atlantic University and is the author of numerous scientific publications.

Ocean First Institute will introduce Dr. Mikki McComb-Kobza and the winning bidder. Then, the two of you will choose a mutually agreeable date, time and place (within Boulder or Longmont) to get together for tea or coffee within one year of the close of this auction. The winning bidder may bring guests.

This item is available for pick-up at the end of the fundraiser event on Sept. 16th at the Rayback Collective (by 6:30 PM) or at the Ocean First Institute Boulder office (3015 Bluff St., Boulder, CO) by Oct. 6th. We can also ship to the winner of this item, with the winner covering the cost of shipping so that we can put our funds right back to ocean conservation work!

If you require the item to be shipped, we will calculate shipping cost after the auction ends and bill you separately.

Highest Bid : $80.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: ChrisPrah
Catalog #: 124
Value: Priceless
Item Sold

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