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Artist: Rossana Dewey

Medium: Oil on canvas

21" x 24"

Rossana Dewey was born in Toronto and grew up with broad creative interests and enjoyed experimenting with various mediums. Today, she works out of her studio in Haliburton, Ontario, working primarily in oils. She began painting after attending Sheridan College’s Continuing Education Fine Arts program. She later went on to further her studies at Dundas Valley School of Art and pursue her interests in Modern Art. She prefers to paint observations of everyday life and selects subjects that have a personal meaning that reflect her thoughts and perceptions. Rossana hopes to make pictures that speak and inspire by utilizing her philosophies of composition, content, colour palette and style to create an expression that is distinctly her own. 

Artist’s Statement 
I paint exclusively from life and what I am familiar with. My canvas is the outcome of the investigation of my own experience of reality. I have learned over the years that my art practice needs a studio in order to be grounded and feel productive. It makes me happy just to walk in the door and I love being there alone and working alone. It is a place of both frustration and bliss. My recent painting celebrates my daily surroundings. It is my creative retreat. 


Highest Bid : CAD490.00 (3 bids)
Highest Bid By: 6A6544
Catalog #: AU899
Item Sold

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