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Artist: Simone Bos

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

20" x 20"

As an emerging Canadian artist, Simone is inspired by the wild and beautiful landscapes of northern Ontario, especially around Ahmic Lake in Magnetawan. Simone focuses on the use of layered cubes of colour to transform photos into feelings on canvas. She is interested in the intentional use of brushstrokes as cubes to create rhythm and interest in her paintings and allow for a calming art making experience. In 2019, Simone received her Bachelor of Arts from Redeemer University and hopes to complete teacher’s college at Redeemer in 2021. Simone has shown art in Julia Veenstra’s Square Foot Show and Paula White Diamond’s Square Foot and Big Ideas Show in 2019 and 2020, and in Blue Crow Gallery’s Summer Group Show in 2020.  

Artist’s Statement
As a creator in the image of the Creator, my inspiration and understanding of the light, colour and mood of a landscape is drawn from His intricate and spectacular art. Daisies appear as playful splashes of white and cadmium yellow against tall field grass and shadows; unexpected joy and beauty pointed towards the sky. The sky has also been my focus, this year especially, as I continue to think about and explore how to engage with God in a meaningful way through my art. I rejoice in the Lord… I will be glad and exalt in you, I will sing praise to your name, O Most High. (Psalm 104:34, 9:2) 



Highest Bid : CAD760.00 (13 bids)
Highest Bid By: 3C718D
Catalog #: AU085
Item Sold

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