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Carved Alabaster Bear Fetish by Michael Clearwater Connor

“My bears seem to pick their people”

Michael Clearwater Connor was born in Wiesbaden, Germany in 1958. His mother is of Nordic and German decent and his father is descended from two tribes of the Ojibwa Chippewa people of the St. Croix and Fon du Lac territory near Danbury, Wisconsin.

By the late 1980s, Connor found himself in Santa Fe working for sculptor Jon De Celles. At this point Connor began to feel that he was being guided on a path; that he had a knack for working in stone.

“I was blessed enough to see that my gift was the answer and would save my life,” says Connor.

The rest is history. He began carving his wonderful bears.

“I waste nothing. I work with what mother earth gives me. I believe that art makes common ground around the world. It brings out the good in people. My gift is from the Creator and should be shared with others.”

Connor says that he carves his animals with love in his heart and soul.


  • 9” x 2.5”

For More Information

Michael Connor's Carvings

Won By Buy Now: 1 winner
Value: $220.00
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