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Daniel Martelock
Needle felt portrait in wooden vintage singer sewing machine storage drawer
Height 15” Width 4.5” Depth 4”

This piece represents a new friend I made in the backyard during the spring of 2020. I stayed home most of the Spring/summer and worked in my backyard to avoid any and all Covid-19 risks, this needle felt piece is of my new friend whom I spent most of my time with. I’m not sure what his name is, but I thought it would be nice to mount his needle felt portrait into a wooden vintage singer sewing machine storage drawer. The two of us working in our little boxes admiring each other’s productivity seemed quite fitting for the times. I often just called him “Hey man”

Highest Bid : N/A (0 bids)
Highest Bid By: N/A
Value: CAD350.00
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