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BETTY DAVENPORT FORD - Rare Pair Doves by Florence of Pasadena

BETTY DAVENPORT FORD - Rare Pair - Resting Doves by Florence of Pasadena - One of the few production projects by Ford are a number of pieces for Florence Ceramics of Pasadena in the 1950s.  The animals that Betty did for Florence include Doves, Squirrels, Cats, Poodles and more.

This piece is being offered at auction with the understanding that the winning bidder will allow it to be shown this fall in an exhibition curated by David Shearer entitled "The Birds! of Claremont"

Betty Davenport Ford

Archaic animal forms recalling Egyptian, Greek, and Romanesque styles were popular among sculptors. The ceramic anincmal sculpture of Betty Davenport Ford (b.1924) exhibits this historicizing approach. Ford aims to balae the capture of the animalโ€™s essential spirit with sound design. She graduated from Scripps College in 1946 and remained a vital part of the community through her work with the Millard Sheets Studio.


Highest Bid : $750.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: 3E8DFF
Catalog #: C-110
Value: N/A
Item Sold

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