Wise Women Rising

This original painting was done by Pia Fonnesbech and modeled after an original photograph by Mike Petrone. The scene is Standing Rock, North Dakota 2016 during the DAPL pipleline protests. Pia is inspired by Chinese design and great French painters. The colors are everything. and are the reason for why she goes into her studio everyday. She tries to explore the power of Colors. Pia is even inspired by William Morris and patterns from the Middle East. She makes paintings in a difficult time, where there's a lot of things to worry about. She wants to give the viewers some of the beauty in the world, so they can get new energy and go back to the world with new strength and make the world a better place to live in.

All of the proceeds from the auction will help support the photographer, the painter, and the organization  We Are Mother Earth in its effort to continue to fight for environmental justice through mindful media.


We Are Mother Earth is a cooperative corporation championing integrated solutions for climate change and planetary healing. Currently, Jenny Carrington, CEO is on a cross-country mission to accelerate the start-up capital raise and launch several initiatives of the company that have been stalled from lack of funding. One of these projects is a feature film called Rise Like the Water: The People's Fight for Freedom which chronicles the tension between Indigenous people and the federal government over sacred land and access to clean water ways through the budding of a global movement around community earth skills, regenerative culture, and hope for the next 7 generations of a healthier future. For more information visit ezcard.com/MotherEarth


Highest Bid : N/A (0 bids)
Highest Bid By: N/A
Catalog #: R-1
Value: Priceless
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