Original Ceramic Face Jugs created by Ron and Bob Carroll

These one-of-a-kind original ceramic face jugs are great to display or use for holding liquid. The history of American Face Jugs dates back to Egyptian and Mesopotamian times and appears in many cultures throughout history. There are many theories as to what they were used for from religious significance to storing alcohol, carrying water, warding off evil spirits, etc. These three Face Jugs are unique handmade ceramic pieces by Bob and Ron Carroll.  Included are:

  • "Grog" by Bob Carrol -- Ceramic Face Mug, 5", value $25
  • "A Pirate's Life" by Bob Carrol - Ceramic Face Jug, 7 1/2", value $60
  • "Jug of Spirits" by Ron Carroll -- Ceramic Face Jug, 9", Value $60

Donated by :
  • Name : Dianne Stiver Lang

Highest Bid : $45.00 (4 bids)
Highest Bid By: 77FAE2
Catalog #: 64
Value: $145.00
Item Sold

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