Open/ Close Scoop Deck Sign

It's everyone's favorite sign, when the smile is out and the pink is beaming,

it's come on in for an ice cream treat!

This awesome sign has hung on the front of our business every day (in season) for 30+ years & now it can hang in your home, camp, or business!  What an amazing gift this would be for the BIGGEST SCOOP DECK FAN you know!

Own a piece of Scoop Deck history- it's time for this sign to retire after it's long life & be replaced with a younger, newer model.  We have chosen to donate the proceeds of the winning auction bid (less online admin costs 5%) to a local organization we truly believe in, Community Outreach Services.  We will be earmarking the donation of your winning bid for "Children's food programs" offered by COS (a local program).

 "US Department of Agriculture found that while the nation as a whole has continued to make progress against hunger, over the last year Maine has dropped from 9th worst in the country to 7th worst in food insecurity. Over the past decade, food insecurity in Maine has increased by 27%." -Sept 2017, Maine Beacon article

"The hunger problem in Maine is REAL. And yes, we have a hunger problem right here in our own community. Children going home hungry in our community is REAL…"  COS Kennebunk website (

Highest Bid : $135.00 (18 bids)
Highest Bid By: 932899
Value: Priceless
Item Sold

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