Jose Guadalupe Posada, limited edition print, title Illusion of Wealth

This framed Jose Guadalupe Posada’s limited edition print is one of the Sixty-Two prints from the edition # 944 of 1500, print in 1960 at the Museum of Graphic Arts in Mexico City and come with a certificate of Authenticity.

Jose Guadalupe Posada, the father of Mexican printmaking, born in Aquascalientes, Mexico in 1852. In 1868, he was apprenticed to a local printmaker and publisher, Jose Trinidad Pedroza, who specialized in lithography, Posada’s first prints are in this medium. In 1872 Pedroza opened a second shop in the city of Leon and left Posada in charge of it. Posada bought the shop in 1876 but moved to Mexico City in 1888 to perfect his art and escape the politicians who were now back in power in his home city and upset with Posada’s satires of them.

Catalog #: 128
Won By Buy Now: 1 winner
Value: $200.00
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