60 Minute Float Session at Buoyant Float Spa

Float for 60 minutes in 200 gallons of water mixed with 850 pounds of medical-grade Epsom salt!

Winner must pick up gift certificate on May 1 from 5-7pm at Murphy Elementary

GETTING RID OF ALL SENSORY INPUT allows the ‘constantly-make-sure-you’re-not-dying’ part of your brain to chill out for a second, allowing the creative, relaxed part of your brain to come out and play. Without the constant pressure of analyzing the world around you, your body lowers its levels of cortisol, the main chemical component of stress. Your brain also releases elevated levels of dopamine and endorphins, the neurotransmitters of happiness.

NOT HAVING TO FIGHT GRAVITY lets your muscles, joints, and bones take a well-deserved break. Your body suddenly has loads of extra resources (usually spent supporting your weight, regulating temperature, and trying not to get speeding tickets), which it gets to focus on things like healing and resting.

WITHOUT OLD-MAN GRAVITY PUSHING YOU DOWN ALL THE TIME, your spine lengthens an inch, chronic pain is relieved, and your muscles get to fully rest. Unlike lying on a mattress, lying in water allows blood to flow freely all throughout your body. There’s no need to readjust your position to get comfortable.

ABOUT 30 MINUTES INTO YOUR FLOAT your brain stops producing its normal Alpha waves and starts churning out Theta waves. These are responsible for that ‘between-waking-and-sleeping’ state, and you make them naturally every night before you conk out. While it only lasts for a few sparse moments in your bed, you can achieve a prolonged Theta state in the tank, a state of consciousness that is usually only seen in children and people who have spent years practicing meditation.

EVEN THE MAGNESIUM-BASED EPSOM SALTS we use in the tank are good for you. They soften and replenish your skin, and help counteract the magnesium deficiency that most of us have due to depleted magnesium levels in our soil. They’re also kosher, just in case you want to float in water that has been blessed by a Rabbi.

FLOAT WITH CONFIDENCE: Buoyant Spa’s pods are the only pods in the market that empty out in-between each floater.

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Highest Bid : $50.00 (7 bids)
Highest Bid By: 65933070717
Value: $80.00
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