"Autumn Calm" Laurie Duff Peterson

"Autumn Calm" Laurie Duff Peterson. Oil on canvas. Image size 9 3/4" x 18 1/2". Framed.

Duffy Peterson has lived, studied and exhibited her art from coast to coast but spent the majority of her life in southern California.  Loving the New Mexico landscape and its various cultures, she moved to las Vegas, New Mexico in 2006. 

A painter since her early teens, Duffy primarily works in oils and acrylics.  She has studied painting, drawing, natural dyeing and spinning wools along with Navajo weaving, taught by a Navajo woman using the traditional methods.

Having lived in the midwest, upstate New York, Colorado and both northern and southern California and now New Mexico, Duffy has been exposed to the breadth of the United States and its various local as well as national art forms.  

Duffy’s works are in collections throughout the United States and Europe.

Her working studio, Broken Saints, is located in the heart of Old Town Las Vegas, New Mexico (the original Las Vegas!)  Duffy’s paintings and jewelry are exhibited at el Zócalo Art Gallery on the historic Plaza in Las Vegas. 

All rights belonging to the holder of the copyright, including the reproduction rights, shall remain with the Artist.

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In the event transportation of a purchased item is required, arrangements and direct billing will be handled outside the auction venue.

Highest Bid : N/A (0 bids)
Highest Bid By: N/A
Value: $495.00
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