Full Size Mural - by Muralist BKFoxx

Have a wall in your home or loft that you want transformed into a wildlife scene? Maybe a stairwell, hallway or even a lobby area that you'd like covered in a natural abstract? Or perhaps you've got an outside wall somewhere that needs some color and landscape sprayed on it... Well this is your chance to bid on a custom mural by internationally known street artist and muralist BKFoxx.

BK FOXX is an animal lover who works as a street artist in New York city. Her mission is to raise the awareness on animal treatment and their rights. The artist works on large surfaces and uses spray paint and brush work to portray beautiful creatures in their natural habitat, whether that would be a puma living in the wild, or a house cat posing her cat bed. She is a truly kindred spirit to her wildlife beings and she engages the viewer to feel and to become one with the painted animals. The accent is on the importance of caring and looking after the ones we share our planet with. http://bkompleted.com/

*Note: This auction item must be redeemed before January 1, 2017. The artist and you will agree on best time and location for the work. The artist and you will discuss what you like and mutually agree on the design, with the artist having final say on artistic decisions. The mural will be no larger than 12 feet high and 20 feet wide. Should you want a larger piece, you can commission further outside of the auction arrangement. Also indoor painting requires
fan, dropcloth, etc.

Highest Bid : $1,000.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: ameenameer
Catalog #: 159
Value: $5,000.00
Item Sold

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