Tom and Jerry – Colonel John Wheeler Middle School

Thank you for supporting Prevent Child Abuse Lake County

 β€œCHAIRish the Children”

PCALC would like to thank all the students and teachers and our local Community organizations for their incredible artistic talent, and Geminus Community Partners for their Grant funding.


Winning bids will automatically be charged to your credit card by Stripe at the end of the Auction.

All chairs are on display and will need to be picked up at the Indiana Welcome Center, 7770 Corrine Drive, Hammond, IN 46323 before Saturday May 28, 2022.

If you cannot pick up your chair prior to this date, please contact Paula to make special arrangements.

At this time we are unable to ship chairs.


In our Auction, you will see two types of chair entries. 

School and Community

All Lake County Middle Schools and High Schools, grades 6 through 12 are eligible to create a chair for our Auction.  This is usually through the school’s Art Department.

Many local Community Organizations can participate by contacting

Highest Bid : $10.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: B55658
Catalog #: 26
Value: Priceless
Item Sold

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