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Artist: Gisele Comtois

Medium: Oil on canvas

30" x 40"

Over time an artist develops by experimenting with different approaches, media, techniques as well as ideas and themes. Experience and sagacity allow the artist to weave together these disparate threads into a unifying vision. After more than 40 years of exploration and perfecting her art, Gisele Comtois brings forth to us paintings of beautiful sophistication. The works become the delightful focus of any room, not by shocking or jolting the viewer, but by enveloping him or her with a serene and vibrant energy. Building on the essential foundation of a strong composition, Mme Comtois amplifies the effect with her shimmering palate. Only a very accomplished artist can deploy such bold strokes of colour, weighing the value of each hue, each shade, all the while maintaining the balance and harmony of the composition. This is a very difficult task, indeed, yet with Mme Comtois’ expert hands, it all seems so simple, so natural. 

Born in St. Marc-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, Gisele Comtois now lives in Burlington, Ontario. She has studied various aspects of fine arts at the Musée de Beaux Arts in Montreal, QC, Cambrian College in Sudbury, McMaster University in Hamilton and Sheridan College in Oakville. Mme Comtois has taught art at Sheridan College in Oakville, École Ste-Marie in Oakville and Ecole St-Phillipe in Burlington. Mme Comtois' own work has also been the subject of academic study at Sheridan College. 

The artist has taken countless sketching trips exploring the Gaspé coast, Charlevois County, the Laurentians, the Eastern Township in Quebec, the Maritimes, Northern Ontario, France, Italy, India, Egypt and South America. We see the influence of their bold geometric forms in her compositions. There is a majestic balance between the horizontal and the vertical lines as the whole work is flushed with striking colours inspired by these haunting contributors to the expansive Canadian landscape. 

Artist’s Statement  
There is a feeling of space in my painting which is a result of looking at the land formations from above. I have studied the strength of the mountains, observed the changing moods of the water and have felt the warmth of the village and their people. 



Highest Bid : CAD4,290.00 (11 bids)
Highest Bid By: 3E9214
Catalog #: AU246
Item Sold

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