Petunia & Pollinator Palooza

Fall is a great time to plant for pollinators! Plant a selection of pollinator-friendly plants this season, and attract native pollinators for years to come to your home garden. Then, celebrate native pollinators with a beautiful art-glass paper weight, featuring flowers the color of the wild petunia, to add to your home or office.


  • One native prairie plant kit*
  • Art-glass paperweight, featuring purple flowers

* One native plant kit contains 50 plants (or five plugs per species) to cover approximately 120 – 150 square feet.  Species include: Wholred milkweed; field pussytoes; sand coreopsis; white prairie clover; button blazing star; foxglove beardtongue; showy black-eyed Susan; wild petunia; smooth blue aster; and little bluestem.

Donations by:
Natural Communities
Ruth Yackley

Highest Bid : $210.00 (6 bids)
Highest Bid By: 62A384
Catalog #: 34
Value: $335.00
Item Sold
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