"I need her to tell my Story" - Piano Poster

Painting by Cecilie Beck. This poster is from "Songs without Sound"; an ongoing series of visuals from sound and visual artist Cecilie Beck. The piece is paper, coal, acrylic, markers, approximately16 feet long.

More about: Cecilie Beck is a Danish artist and musician, who earned a Master of Fine Arts from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in May 2013. At the Academy's School of Walls and Space department, Beck studied along other artists developing Art-as-Activism in public spaces. During her education she did an internship for Berlin-based artist Annika Lundgren, and went on educational exchanges to Konstfack in Stockholm and Parsons The New School for Design in New York. In 2010, she travelled through Singapore, Nepal, Malaysia and India and Lombok in Indonesia for 6 months, where she created a series of street art and music. Beck is now based in New York City.

Check here:www.ceciliebeck.com

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