Brian Smith Photography Canvas

Canvas print of 4 distinctive catboats sailing in Nantucket Sound by Brian Smith. 

"A catboat has a distinctive look on the horizon. It's a look that's been admired since the middle of the 19th century and I began to notice catboats as a kid when I would accompany my father on fishing trips in Nantucket Sound. Many years later, I finally bought one and now enjoy 'messing about' on my own boat in those same waters around Cape Cod."
- Brian Smith

Brian is a photographer who primarily shoots people on location for corporate and editorial clients. He generously donated his time and photography talents for Samaritans Breakfast for Hope: Break the Silence this past May. 

This beautiful canvas will be a wonderful addition to any home or office.

Highest Bid : $140.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: 998887
Value: $275.00
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