Mike & Mike UW Photo Course - for 1

Tuition Voucher for One Mike & Mike UW Photography Course aboard a scheduled Mike & Mike Aggressor Adventures Liveaboard trip.

Photography Course

Their “hands-on” teaching style focuses on each student’s photography throughout the week. Topside, between dives, they conduct daily instructional presentations in the dining room and then work with each student one-on-one.

The Digital Darkroom is a time-tested element Mike & Mike Photography School. The Digital Darkroom program is an add-on to the standard Photo Class lessons. Every one of us has spent many hours at the computer working on images, trying to improve them. The Digital Darkroom program is designed to show you how to accomplish this correctly and efficiently. For example, cloning and repairing are not just about removing backscatter or sensor dust. Sometimes it’s necessary to remove or reposition entire image elements such as divers, fish, or even the sun itself – sometimes from one image to another. The two Mikes will teach you just how easy that can be.

Postproduction Principals: File Management, Archiving, Editing, Histograms, Color Space, White Balance... all critical terms introduced to Underwater Photography via the digital age. Mike & Mike bring it all together in instructional presentations and in small groups. They’ll show you how to edit, archive, and best present your work.

They will also demonstrate the most current versions of Adobe Lightroom, Phase One Capture One, Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Bridge and Apple Photos & Aperture. They also will introduce their students to the latest and greatest software as it appears on the market.

More information, here: https://www.aggressor.com/pages/mike-and-mike-school-of-photography

Note: Valid for tuition only during a scheduled Mike & Mike UW Photo course aboard an Aggressor Adventures Liveaboard. Aggressor Adventure Liveaboard cost and travel expenses not included. Must be used by December 31, 2026.

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Highest Bid : $100.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: E0E675
Catalog #: 22
Value: $400.00
Item Sold

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