Tibetan Book Bundle: Exile as Challenge - The Tibetan Diaspora, Don't Say No to a Tibetan and Women In Tibet
Note: Donor is away for June, therefore please expect a delay in delivery of the item.
Exile as Challenge - The Tibetan Diaspora
This book is an attempt to document the lives of members of the exiled Tibetan community in India and elsewhere. A revised and enlarged edition of the German publication (Tibet im Exile) this text focuses on two main themes: how Tibetans in exile preserve their culture, and how the community prepares itself for the return to Tibet. This itself is done through a series of interrelated papers that include chapters which trace the history of Tibet, analyse the legal issues involved in the dispute over her territory and sovereignity, document the reforms and changes introduced at social and political levels, and also an interview with His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Don't Say No to a Tibetan
The questions which Bertrand Odelys puts to the Dalai Lama and to ordinary Tibetans in exile are questions we also have to answer. When things dont work out during the day, what helps us? What do we hang on to in order to find our centre again? What aspects of Buddhism guide us best in the moment?
The responses to these questions provide a tare insight into the day-today existence of those who live far away from their country, people who have chosen to answer the madness 0f their aggressors with lucidity, compassion and non-violence.
The fragility of the human being is infinite - and to reach some perfection through this fragility is the essence of the teachings Bertrand Odelys found in Dharamsala. Our enemy, inside and out, is our best teacher. Faced with tribulations, what we must fear is not so much to lose our freedom but to lose our compassion. Isnt it because of that compassion that we deserve the name of human being?
This fascinating book combines anecdote with philosophical insight. These rich chronicles about real life experiences should concern us all.
Women In Tibet
Filling a gap in the literature, this volume explores the struggles and accomplishments of women from both past and present-day Tibet. Here are queens from the imperial period, yoginis and religious teachers of medieval times, Buddhist nuns, oracles, political workers, medical doctors, and performing artists. Most of the essays focus on the lives of individual women, whether from textual sources or from anthropological data, and show that Tibetan women have apparently enjoyed more freedom than women in many other Asian countries. The book is innovative in resisting both romanticization and hypercriticism of women's status in Tibetan society, attending rather to historical description, and to the question of what is distinctive about women's situations in Tibet, and what is common to both men and women in Tibetan society.
We estimate shipping of this item will be around $25. ATC will contact the winning bidder to arrange for payment of the final delivery.
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