Jan Brett autographed poster of her new book "The Mermaid"

Jan Brett is an American illustrator and writer of children's picture books. She is known for colorful, detailed depictions of a wide variety of animals and human cultures ranging from Scandinavia to Africa. Her best-known titles include The MittenThe Hat, and Gingerbread Baby. She has adapted or retold numerous traditional stories such as the Gingerbread Man and Goldilocks and has illustrated some classics such as "The Owl and the Pussycat".

Her new book "The Mermaid" is a striking under-the-sea version of Goldilocks as only Jan Brett could create. Vibrant, intricate scenes of an underwater paradise transport this classic fairy tale to a magical setting inspired by the seas off the coast of Okinawa, Japan. Chock full of fish and fauna and adventure, Kiniro’s story will enchant readers of all ages.

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Highest Bid : $14.00 (3 bids)
Highest Bid By: 34775569328
Catalog #: J130
Value: Priceless
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