12 Dilly Bar Coupons Pack #2

Contains 12 coupons. Each coupon is good for one Dilly Bar at the Burien DQ. Limiit to one coupon per customer per visit.

Donated by :
  • Company Name : Burien DQ

There is a 3% processing fee added to your purchase.

Auction bids over the fair market value of a donated item are tax-deductible (consult your tax advisor) Lighthouse ID 46-2942522

We cannot ship items. Pick up will be at The Mountain Church in Des Moines after the live Celebrate event on Saturday, October 22 from 8:30-9pm. 

Highest Bid : $20.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: 7AD71D
Value: $30.00
Item Sold

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