"Kraken" - Didgepot (ceramic didgeridoo)

A didgepot is a ceramic didgeridoo. A didgeridoo (or didjeridu) is a wind instrument made by Indigenous Australians (Aboriginals) from Northern Australia, has been around for some 1,500 years (possibly much, much longer), is typically made out of some type of wood, and are anywhere from 1 to 3 meters long. They have a really cool, strange sound that just sounds wild! This one was made to look like an octopus, and has all the authentic sound of a wooden didgeridoo! I highly recommend checking out a video or audio clip of a didgepot being played, because they are super cool! Not to mention that they look really good as a decoration around the house (nudge, nudge, BID).

Jason C. Gage is the artist who made this didgepot, and he has made (and played) many, many more as well! He works and lives in Fort Collins, CO and has a large collection of the didgepots he has made and sells. You can check them out on his Facebook page, where he has pictures of the pieces and videos of him talking about and playing them.


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This item is available for pick-up at the end of the fundraiser event on Sept. 16th at the Rayback Collective (by 6:30 PM) or at the Ocean First Institute Boulder office (3015 Bluff St., Boulder, CO) by Oct. 6th. We can also ship to the winner of this item, with the winner covering the cost of shipping so that we can put our funds right back to ocean conservation work!

If you require the item to be shipped, we will calculate shipping cost after the auction ends and bill you separately.

Highest Bid : $500.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: 76657937518
Catalog #: 176
Value: $1,500.00
Item Sold

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