Therapeutic Massage or Access Bars Session at Returning Balance Therapies

Therapeutic Massage therapy helps to improve: blood circulation, digestion, mental clarity, and the immune and nervous systems. It can also help to rehabilitate the body after surgery or injury. Massage helps to reduce: acute or chronic pain, muscle spasms, blood pressure, tension, headaches, anxiety, and stiffness.

During a BARS session our certified therapist will gently hold 32 points on the head. As these points are held, a letting go can happen by changing the electrical charge in the brain. The body can then release thoughts, feelings, emotions, limitations and beliefs that no longer serve you from this or any lifetime. Once we let go, we are then open to the possibilities of receiving. Receiving what you ask? Peace, health, wellness, creativity, money, relationships, sex, higher consciousness? The exciting part is that it is totally up to you to decide.

Highest Bid : $60.00 (2 bids)
Highest Bid By: Twinklebyzoe
Catalog #: 167
Value: $100.00
Item Sold

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