Colon Hydrotherapy at Returning Balance Therapies

Colon hydrotherapy is a safe, effective method of removing decaying, stagnant fecal matter from the large intestine withoutthe use of drugs or laxatives. Both our therapists, Todd and Christa Wagner are trained and certified professionals who are sensitive to your health needs.

The colon hydrotherapy equipment at Returning Balance Therapies is an insured, FDA registered medical device featuring state-of-the-art sanitation, water purification, pressure control, and temperature control. Colon health is not just about your sessions at the office, but is dependent upon what happens from day to day. Achieving a healthy colon takes dedication to a balanced lifestyle. Colonics are most effective in combination with adequate nutrition and water intake, as well as exercise.

Highest Bid : $50.00 (1 bids)
Highest Bid By: Twinklebyzoe
Catalog #: 166
Value: $100.00
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