Artist: Iris McDermott

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

30" x 30"

Painting in the modernist style, Iris works intuitively in a loosely representational and highly animated manner. She has exhibited locally and also internationally and has work included in private collections. She has been represented by Gallery on the Bay in Hamilton and has shown her work there; as well as TBA Artspace, Carnegie Gallery in Dundas ON and Dundas Valley School of Art, Dundas, ON. 

A former potter, Iris was decorating large plates and bowls in the maiolica technique of painting on a white surface. As she became more concerned with composition and working in two dimensions, it seemed natural to work on paper and canvas. The paintings are freer and more spontaneous without the technical constraints of on-glazing. With acrylic paint, the work can be changed quite easily. 

Artist’s Statement 
I paint what I love; the objects in ‘Interior with Still Life’ are quite ordinary everyday things. I am interested in the ‘conversations ’going on in the painting; how the objects relate to one another. I often use the same objects in my work looking at them from differing points of view. My work starts from observation. I work intuitively, responding to what I see and to what is on the page. I will continue to paint – there is always a painting in front of me. I can’t imagine not painting. 



Highest Bid : CAD520.00 (17 bids)
Highest Bid By: 335FF3
Catalog #: AU894
Item Sold

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