Artist: Lora Repta

Medium: Acrylic and epoxy resin on wood panel 

30" x 40"

Lora Repta, a native Hamiltonian, was employed as a physical fitness instructor and choreographer until falling ill with rheumatoid arthritis. Faced with a new set of challenges, Lora transitioned these skillsets to a position at The Arthritis Society as a support worker for physiotherapists, occupational therapists and social workers. In addition to her role as a support worker, over the next eighteen years, Lora also managed and instructed therapeutic pool programs at Chedoke Hospital and St. Joseph’s Hospital for people with immune system diseases.   

Finding painting very therapeutic, Lora enrolled at Dundas Valley School of Art to study watercolour, pastel and acrylic and later she began experimenting with a variety of new pouring mediums. Lora began exhibiting her paintings in 2002 at the Dundas Valley School of Art auction and has continued since that time, including becoming a featured artist in 2011. She has also contributed her art to a variety of shows across Canada, including being a yearly contributor to DVSA’s Little Black Frame event. Lora’s works can be found from Ontario to B.C. with many commissioned pieces being completed throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Lora also belongs to a small community of painters known as “Reflection in Colour”. 

This journey has led me to an organic landscape for my interpretation of strength, solitude and serenity. This piece “Evening Hope” came from a desire to express calmness; to take a deep breath. Through exploration of this amazing new medium that flowed so beautifully this piece happened quite naturally. 



Highest Bid : CAD1,050.00 (17 bids)
Highest Bid By: 5876AF
Catalog #: AU227
Item Sold

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