Artist: Peter Fischer

Medium: Oil on canvas

58" x 28"

Peter's paintings focus primarily on the fine nuances of the natural world. With a background in graphic design, his carefully honed eye for detail captures the randomly occurring repetition of shapes and pattern, resulting in paintings which often invoke a sense of calm in the viewer. 

Artist’s Statement  
I love to paint because I have always enjoyed the ability to capture likenesses and, I believe that I have a unique way of visually presenting things I have seen. I enjoy attempting to interpret and capture the beauty that surrounds me. It may be a quality of light, the composition of the elements, reflected images on the varied surfaces of water, shadows cast and colours muted and brilliant. I am often unaware of what initially drew me to capture a particular image. Once I’ve decided to paint an image, accidents, happy and otherwise often take my work in unplanned directions. I work on the piece until it either pleases or confounds me. 

‘Coming back from Cayuga’ is an image my wife and I captured on the road. I combined two photos to create the image and painted it in my studio. We were both very attracted to the dramatic sky and the sweep of the road we were on. I chose to keep the road in the image as a dramatic visual element and as so many of us spend a lot of time on them. They are such a ubiquitous part of our lives. 



Highest Bid : CAD4,270.00 (19 bids)
Highest Bid By: 40A1C0
Catalog #: AU344
Item Sold

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