Tarrant County Swag Bag

Tarrant County SWAG Bag 

A Bag full of fabulous Tarrant County SWAG

  1.     Laptop Bag with Tarrant County logo
  2.     Yeti Style Tarrant County Cup
  3.     Ceramic Coffee Mug with Tarrant County Seal
  4.     USB drive with Tarrant County logo
  5.     Portal Phone Charger
  6.     Tarrant County Seal Key Chain
  7.     Tarrant County notepad with pen
  8.     Tarrant County Mask Bag with Pandemic Door Opener, Stylus and bottle opener
  9.     Tarrant County umbrella

Highest Bid : $190.00 (23 bids)
Highest Bid By: 51C941
Catalog #: 195
Value: Priceless
Item Sold

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