For the Wine Connoisseur - Quality Wines $150, $41, $30 value

The Fine Arts Association's Board Effectiveness Committee donated this fine wine basket, "For the Wine Connoisseur" with  Quality Wines ranging  from $150, $41 to $30 in value The Committees are having a contest as to which committee's basket gets the highest bid. This is 3 of 3 amazing baskets donated by the Board Effectiveness Committee

This 3-bottle collection includes:

  • Crocker & Starr 2016 Stone Place Cabernet Sauvignon ($150)
  • Pietro Rinaldi 2011 San Cristoforo Barbaresco ($41)
  • Casa Neustra 2014 St. Helena Dry Chenin Blanc ($30)
  • Heinen's $25 gift card
  • Locally made, hand-crafted cheese board.
  • Leather-llike two bottle wine carrier.

Donated by :
  • Company Name : FAA Board Effectiveness Committee

Highest Bid : $132.00 (7 bids)
Highest Bid By: 3F8F01
Catalog #: 81
Value: $280.00
Item Sold

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