Cleveland Ballet presents Magic Flute + Hook & Hoof + Uber

Enjoy Four (4) Tickets to the Magic Flute on October 17, 2020, at 1:00pm.   

$50 Hook & Hoof Downtown Willoughby Restaurant

$50 Uber Gift Card 

Cleveland Balletyour very own resident professional ballet Company, engages and inspires audiences like no visiting ballet Company can. Exposure to performances, regular community outreach activities, and high quality educational programs in partnership with schools, non-profits, and other local arts organizations positively impact students’ achievements and competencies.

Subject to 2020-21 performance season confirmation.

Donated by :
  • Name : David and Jane Steger

Highest Bid : $70.00 (2 bids)
Highest Bid By: 1815E8
Catalog #: 41
Value: $419.00
Item Sold

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