Cozy Noze - Not An Ordinary Neck Warmer

Cozy Noze is the invention of professional nature photographer and glasses wearer Lori Diemer. Living along the shores of Lake Erie, Lori knows a thing or two about the rituals and foggy glasses sacrifice of staying warm.

When some friends invited her to join them on a photography trip to Yellowstone National Park one January, Lori learned that temperatures were going to be -10 to -30 degrees. She was determined to find a way to keep her nose warm, and her eyeglasses from fogging up for this trip

With a simple pinch of the soft trim around the nose, the Cozy Noze Neck Warmer effectively blocks the warm breath from escaping and fogging eyeglasses in cold temperatures.

Cozy Noze is the perfect neck and nose warmer for anyone who wears glasses or sunglasses while enjoying being outdoors in colder weather. Even for non-eyeglass folks, Cozy Noze keeps necks and noses warm and blocks breathing in the chilly frigid air.

Handmade by Lori Diemer 
Winner to select TWO designs


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Highest Bid : $28.00 (5 bids)
Highest Bid By: C62540
Catalog #: 43
Value: $40.00
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