History Lover Package

Enjoy a one-year Household Membership to the Cleveland Restoration Society (CRS) and you and your family will also receive a great book to round out any historians library: "The Making of Cleveland's Suburb in the City: Lee-Seville & Lee-Harvard" (a Project of the Cleveland Restoration Society).  With your membership you will receive event invitations to "SNOOP!" tours which are visits to restoration projects, a subscription to their e-newletter Pespectives, the magazine Facade (one copy is included in this package), discounted ticket to their annual awards ceremony Celebration of Preeservation. (Value of $75)

In addition, you'll get Four Passes to the Western Reserve Historical Society's History Center in University Circle or Hale Farm & Village in the heart of the Cuyahoga Valeey National Park. Your family will enjoy a trip through time to of the WRHS properties. Pick your own trip! WRHS Passes valid through May 31, 2021. (Value $48)

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Highest Bid : $40.00 (3 bids)
Highest Bid By: E8C48E
Catalog #: 18
Value: $125.00
Item Sold

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